Activism Hacking Artivism (AHA)
martes, septiembre 23, 2008 by ptqk

Themes such as the analysis of Web 2.0 (in economical, social and technological terms), the relationships between artistic activities and digital technologies, and the linguistic and relational deconstruction of “communication” practices are just a few of the core themes of the meeting. The meeting aims to create nets, to enable the sharing of projects and to build new interventions for the future in artistic and technological fields. The ahaCamp therefore exists as a space whereby to discuss and share knowledge, with the objective of learning and sharing practices and knowledge in a free environment without censorship.
By adopting the same strategies of Hackmeetings (, the ahaCamping is organised and managed directly by the participants, who can suggest seminars or projects that they intend to share on the list as well as on the free and open wiki created especially for the occasion: a nomadic space that offers further possibilities other than the list in order to share projects, ideas, files, videos, documents, music, etc..
Hola chica, te acabo de descubrir y me encantas.
Pásate por mi blog para saber más de los entresijos del mundo del arte, con una buena dosis de humor
Estimada ptqk
Tú que de esto sabes mucho....
¿Quién es el jefe de la web 2.0?